Brown Noise Sound Machine (12 Hours)

Brown Noise Sound Machine (12 Hours)

60+ min
Sound only
Fan noise

Our tried and true Brown Noise, beloved by 10's of millions of people around the world!

Brown Noise is a much deeper, fuller version of the popular White Noise, with a heavy emphasis on low-end frequencies. Its soothing, calming, constant tones are wonderful for helping adults and babies alike to fall and stay asleep, for study, for meditation, for managing anxiety, or for any other activities where you want to block out the world and focus solely on the task at hand. It also has incredible sound masking properties for use in distracting and noisy environments!

*If you have been enjoying this Sound Machine up until now, don't fret that you see this new episode published with a more recent date! It's the same exact Sound Machine that you and millions of others have been 💤 to for years. I just republished it so that it would be at the top of the feed and remain more visible for new folks just finding the podcast!


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👉 IF YOU'RE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH EPISODES NOT LOADING/PLAYING, just give it a bit more time. Sometimes the episode plays immediately, and other times, unfortunately, it can take upwards of 1 minute or more for it to begin streaming to your device. My Podcast Hosting Platform has some trouble with the file size since the tracks are so long. Most times you hit play you'll be just fine, but if you find it lagging, just give it a bit more WILL eventually start to play 😊.


If these Sound Machines have been helpful for you, I'd be so grateful if you'd rate the show on either Spotify or Apple Podcasts 🙏


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This free episode has an ad or two at the very beginning but once the Sound Machine starts, rest assured there will be no more interruptions whatsoever 😴 .

If you have any specific sounds you'd like added, hit me up at


Episode Keywords: Brown Noise | White Noise | Ambient Noise | Baby | Sleep | Travel | Sound Masking | Sound Cancellation | Meditation | ADHD | Anxiety | Autism


© 12 Hour Sound Machines, LLC. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this content is strictly prohibited.


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